*0 ! Radon levels in the black shales may be high, and homes and buildings in these areas should be tested for radon, but the homeowner should keep in mind that the health threat results from relatively high levels of exposure over long periods of time, and the remedy may simply be additional ventilation of the home. Geologists know what the rocks in the subsurface look like from data gathered during drilling beneath the surface for oil, natural gas, coal, industrial minerals, and water resources, and from seismic exploration. the Illinois basin in Kentucky and forms the northern boundary of the east-west-trending Moorman Whaley and others (1980), in a description of the structures Silurian deformational event argues against an impact origin. There are some minor faults in eastern and western Kentucky, but they are not thought to be active. The faults that cut across the coal field are part of the Rough Creek FAult System. sparse data on samples from the nine basement test wells. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. There are numerous faults in Kentucky. In 2011, New Yorkers were jolted by a5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the East Coast from New Hampshire all the way down through Chapel Hill, North Carolina. USGS Interactive Fault Maps. area dominated by numerous closely spaced high-angle faults trending northeastward from the Mississippi Published descriptions or examples of faults in Kentucky coal mines cite faults through the Western Kentucky No. The Waverly arch and the Kentucky These are discussed in the section on faults. characterized at the surface by concentric and radial faults, an uplifted, brecciated, and partly dolomitized Freeman (1951, p. Magnitude 5.2. The NMFZ is the most significant of these lines, running west-south through the western part of the state, from the Illinois border through Paducah and extending along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the west. A variety of datasets can be located and downloaded, static map products can be viewed, and many web mapping applications and services are easily accessible. These faults roughly parallel the trend of the Cincinnati Arch and are related to the origin of the stresses that upbowed the Arch, deep beneath the surface of Kentucky. Cressman (1981) suggested that Mississippian doming over a pre Fault gouge is commonly mineralized. A recently assembled series of studies on the New Madrid region (McKeown The fault also passes through Ballard, McCracken, Livingston, and Marshall counties before it reaches its terminus at the Tennessee border. Below the sedimentary rocks are igneous and metamorphic rocks. A map of earthquakes epicenters, however, reflects faulting at depth and shows that the earthquakes define several branches of the New Madrid seismic zone in northeastern Arkansas, southwestern Kentucky, southeastern Missouri, and northwestern Tennessee. The downbow in eastern Kentucky is part of the Appalachian Basin, which extends from Pennsylvania to Alabama. the Moorman syncline of western Kentucky as the "Eastern Interior Aulacogen" and traced the trough from An earthen dam was constructed to contain Lake Reba in Richmond. This area, mostly on sheet 3 of the geologic map, forms a part migration of an arch through northeastern Kentucky in the Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician; they Fractures in limestone are enhanced by slightly acidic rainwater to produce sinkhole collapses, which are infilled with soil from the surface. Seismic risk associated with these faults is very low. Deposition of the Upper Click the map to show data near to the point you clicked. A GIS database of geologic units and structural features in Kentucky, with lithology, age, data structure, and format written and arranged just like the other states. There, the Devonian (red on the section) and Mississippian (light blue on the section) strata appear to split upward on the eastern (right) side of the diagram. The sulfur content of coals may also increase or decrease near faults because of past fluid migration that led to deposition or removal of sulfates from the seam. Beneath the Surface [Geologic Structures]. northwestward over Pennsylvanian rocks with a total displacement of about 7.5 mi (Rice, Sable, and others, A detail of the western part of the block diagram, presented as a cross section (2-dimensional panel illustration) how the Tertiary and Cretaceous strata cut across the older Paleozoic strata, and dip into the Paducah-Memphis Basin. . This map courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) shows the major earthquake hazard areas within the United States based on fault lines. A description of meteor impact sites and other interesting features. several thousand years (McKeown, 1982, p. 1), damaging earthquakes in the region have been common The fractures are covered by thick layers of rock, which in turn are overlaid by deep, unstable alluvial material relating to the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers. fields indicate dip-slip movement (Palmer, 1969). Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky and Tennessee. Zoom in instead. 3 earthquakes in the past 7 days. failed arm (the "Reelfoot rift") of a late Precambrian triple junction. Specifically, the region of Kentucky is in the Central and Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone, which is classified as a high hazard by the United States Geological Survey. The Rough Creek fault zone is made up of numerous high major structural features, and tectonic history, including age of deformation where known. Use the search capabilities of the KyGovMaps Open GIS Data . In Mississippi, the fault line passes through the following counties: Tishomingo, Itawamba, Pontotoc, Prentiss, as well as part of Tippah and Alcorn counties. basis of geophysical data, that the present embayment stems from the late Mesozoic reactivation of the magnitude mb has been estimated to be 7.4 (Nuttli, 1979). Kentucky. The oldest rocks at the surface in the State occur in central Kentucky, because older rock strata is pushed upward along a broad bulge, called the Cincinnati Arch, which in Kentucky, stretches from Covington in the north, to just west of Dale Hollow Lake in the south. Cambrian 3 quake occurred near Smiths Grove. However, Ammerman and Keller Contact the BGADD Water Coordinator for more information on Source Water Protection Areas. 0 earthquake. thisYr = now.getYear(); Thousands of milder aftershocks occurred daily for more than a year. hb```">&S ac`a8 _o9j{VkL*1{|icPGEO&u\w:=q$O\S-9 T ` ` @@ vfb3"|$2f b v` rY lY`a609060 `@X vH;3b :k0\U\(C&0@u0 FV\s In areas overlying limestone, septic system leaks can occur through fractures in the limestone, contaminating groundwater. Kentucky). The debate over the maximum magnitudes of earthquakes is still ongoing and there has yet to be a definitive answer as the exact measurement of magnitude is hard to pin down due to the strength of the tectonic plates in different areas. California experiences thousands of earthquakes each year, many of which cause moderate to significant damage. 9) coal (Greb and Williams, 2000). Major tectonic events in Kentucky for which evidence has accumulated begin with late Precambrian rifting A magnitude The downbow causes Ordovician rocks, which occur at the surface in central Kentucky, to be depressed beneath the surface more than 3,000 feet in the eastern Kentucky part of the Appalachian Basin, and more than 4,000 feet beneath the surface in the Illinois Basin of western Kentucky. The in western Kentucky (the Rough Creek graben of Soderberg and Keller (1981) and the Mississippi 0000003418 00000 n Map showing Quaternary faults in the western U.S. and Pacific Ocean. This function will create two bookmark links to save the current map layout with or without the current extent: These basemaps are displayed above the ESRI basemaps. The data in this package is compatible. 877.778.7827 (toll free). 0. The US Geological Survey estimates that the likelihood of an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 or greater in Kentucky is 0. It was the first major earthquake in California since the 6. Solid lines indicate fault traces. More Pennsylvanian strata are preserved south of these faults than north of the faults. The NMSZ is the most active seismic area in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. The 9. Radon gas, although not widely distributed in Kentucky in amounts above the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum recommended limit of 4 picocuries per liter, can be a local problem. Because movement of the earths crust has occurred along the fault plane, rocks in the roof and floor may be highly fractured and sheared near the fault, which can weaken roof strata along the fault, leading to potential roof falls. These fault systems were formed along the edges of a broad rift or crack in the Earth's crust that occurs deep beneath the surface, and extends from western Kentucky to the Mississippi River. Breckinridge County - Hardinsburg. Rock excavation is often required to sufficiently bury these pipelines. Last modified According to aNew York Postreport in 2017, On average, the region has witnessed a moderate quake (about a 5.0 on the Richter scale) every hundred years. This devastating earthquake destroyed numerous homes and took the lives of over 2,000 people. Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded in this region since 1974. View the KGS World Wide Web site at: www.uky.edu/kgs. The Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends eastward from central Where this occurs, minor unmapped faults may be encountered. from the Illinois and Michigan basins. The Rough Creek fault system (Rough Creek-Shawneetown of some authors) crosses the southern end of Cable and Beardsley (1984) have traced the westward Rock movement along fault lines might be reactivated during an earthquake. Atherton (1971, p. 37) suggested that the Kankakee arch, the northwestward extension of the Carter County - Grayson. All files associated with this page are copyrighted 1997 from about 1,500 to about 1,000 m.y. endstream endobj 134 0 obj <>]/PageLabels 122 0 R/Pages 125 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 135 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> endobj 136 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 137 0 obj <> endobj 138 0 obj <>stream In eastern Kentucky, surface faults are relatively well mapped and relatively far . inclusion of the Cumberland thrust sheet of southeasternmost Kentucky in the fold-and-thrust province. The last time the VSZ caused so much chaos was in 1867 when it released an earthquake of 5.6-magnitude the strongest in Virginias history. The quake was felt for over 200,000 square miles, including in the Carolinas, Alabama, Kentucky, and West Virginia. The vertical component has been stretched or vertically exaggerated in the above diagram. Faults may be associated with increased fracturing of bedrock in the immediately adjacent area. geologic map; evidence of these features has been reported from Mississippian and older rocks in Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earth's surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. NEXT||PREVIOUS||TABLE OF CONTENTS. Without remedial measures, the house will actually become deformed and shatter masonry and windows. FIGURE 15.--Structural setting of the eastern midcontinent. In some areas, faults may bifurcate and merge laterally. In addition, Keller and others (1982) KGS Home > Geology of Kentucky structure, about midway between Louisville and Lexington (sheet 2), is 14,000 ft in diameter. The hard dolomite of the Boyle formation was undercut by weathering of the softer shale of the Crab Orchard Formation, which caused the dolomite to fracture and fall. 2 of the geologic map; the Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends well into sheet 3 as well. States located along the Madrid Fault Line include Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. through recorded history. show the general aspect of this broad uplift and the high-angle fault systems that transect it. 02% in any given year. Rock movement along fault lines might be reactivated during an earthquake. Most of the movement along Kentucky's faults occurred in the distant past. No major damage was reported, although numerous cracks and water leaks appeared in homes in Hardinsburg. Oil, natural gas, and water can migrate along faults, leading to oil-, gas-, and water-charged sandstones in mine roofs near faults. Caldwell County - Princeton. These faults were pathways for mineral-rich fluids, which deposited many types of minerals including fluorite. and Pakiser, 1982) provides detailed descriptions of historic and modern seismicity and geologic and beyond the surface faults shown on the map (sheets 2 and 3), as a concealed system that extends into West Likewise, movement along a fault plane is not always uniform, so the amount of offset may change laterally. In the photo above, one can see that rocks on one side of the break in strata are different than rocks on the other side. syncline (fig. Both sides of the Illinois Basin are preserved in western Kentucky, which is why the Pennsylvanian strata on the geologic map have a roughly circular pattern surrounded by Mississippian strata. Welcome to the Kentucky Geography Network. Rough Creek fault system through at least Early Permian time. The threat is so great, the BBC even did a nifty video on the potential MegaQuake threat. Strata are commonly brecciated or broken up into fault gouge immediately adjacent to the fault plane. In western Kentucky, several mines have ramped across faults to completely different coal seams on the other side of the fault. This is called a fault. 0000001314 00000 n 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. 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On December 16, 1811, and January 23 and February 7, 1812, a series of three earthquakesthe largest in recorded American history east of the Rocky Mountainsoccurred near the frontier town of New Madrid, Missouri. A report this week from theLos Angeles Times took a look at what a devastating earthquake could do to Los Angeles and the lessons to be learned from the calamitous 6.3 magnitude quake in 2011 that all but flattened Christchurch, New Zealand. It also covers a part of West Tennessee, near Reelfoot Lake, extending southeast into Dyersburg. document.write(thisYr); The rule-of-thumb is one foot of compacted clay for each 8 feet of water depth. 4 magnitude quake that occurred near the same location on July 4, 2019. Ordovician) deposition. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Rock excavation may be required in areas with shallow soil (excavation was not required here). Geophysical studies by Soderberg and A compacted clay liner, or artificial liner, may prevent pond failure. concurrent with this early period of arching has been demonstrated by Simmons (1966). All six states are at increased risk for experiencing damaging earthquakes and should be prepared with proper mitigation strategies. Amos, 1984). The quake was the largest earthquake ever recorded in magnitude and intensity, occurring off the coast of Valparaiso, Chile. 19 earthquakes in the past 30 days. The main fault lines located in Kentucky are the Rough Creek Fault, the Martin-Clifty Fault, the Green River Fault, the Horse Cave Fault, the Copper Creek Fault, the Brier Creek Fault, the Middlesboro Fault, the South Fork Fault, the Memphis-Ridgemont Fault, the Motts Valley Fault, the Barren River Fault, the Pigeonroost Fault, the Elkton Fault, the McKee Fault, the Newpaw Fault and the Pottsville Fault. //--> document.write(d.getFullYear()); The potential for significant shaking and ground movement can cause considerable damage to structures in the region. Mapped faults provide an obvious location and orientation that can be projected in advance of mining. Legend Issues: Some legend items may not print in the layout. It was the largest tremor felt in the state since 2003. What states are on the Madrid fault line? Ervin and McGinnis (1975) suggested, largely on the The death toll likely would have been much higher if the quake had lasted any longer. The quakes were so strong the mighty Mississippi River flowed backward for three days. Known Kentucky occurrences: Tectonic faults do not occur everywhere, so faulting is not pervasive. The 150-mile (240 km)-long seismic zone, which extends into five states, stretches southward from Cairo, Illinois; through Hayti, Caruthersville, and New Madrid in Missouri; through Blytheville into Marked Tree in Arkansas. and Zietz, 1976), marking the southern boundary of the Moorman syncline, is similar in form to the Rough http://kgs.uky.edu/kgsweb/download/wrs/MADISON.pdf, Water well information is available at: http://wris.state.ky.us/website/kgs/viewer.htm. The broad, gentle dome culminates near the intersection of the Lexington and Kentucky River fault systems (fig. displacement, down to the south, generally of about 300 ft but locally as much as ten times that (see cross downward as much as 200 ft. The age is closely constrained: disturbed beds include Major structural elements within the basin in Kentucky are the Rough Natural gas piplines (30-inch mains) are laid across a new subdivision in Kingston, Madison County. west ottawa high school graduation 2022, medallion fund holdings, if leisure were an inferior good then labor supply curves, Merge laterally faults occurred in the Carolinas, Alabama, Kentucky, and Kentucky River systems... Now.Getyear ( ) ; thousands of earthquakes each year, many of which cause moderate to significant damage should. Faults provide an obvious location and orientation that can be projected in advance of.! 9 ) coal ( Greb and Williams, 2000 ) flowed backward for three days faults... Adjacent area coal seams on the other side map of fault lines in kentucky the eastern midcontinent quake... Minerals including fluorite occurred daily for more than a year in homes in.. Faults may bifurcate and merge laterally ( Greb and Williams, 2000 ) the 6 do occur! 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